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    Editorial: An integrated positive psychology approach into counseling in different settings
    (Frontiers Media S.A., 2023)
    Christos Pezirkianidis
    Anastassios Stalikas
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    Adaptation, Academic Performance and Support: Students with and without Disabilities and Future Considerations for Counselling Psychology
    (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023-10)
    Yianna Christofi
    Ioanna Ioannou
    The transition to university is a process that presents young adults with several challenges in adaptation, especially students with disabilities. The current study investigated the differences in adaptation and academic performance between students with and without disabilities and further examined these differences among students with disabilities. Additionally, we explored the role of academic support for students with disabilities’ adaptation and academic performance, as well as their perceptions of a proposed specialised package of counselling psychology interventions. The sample consisted of 127 students with disabilities and 127 without disabilities, aged 18–24 years. Results revealed that students with disabilities reported a lower GPA and adaptation than students without disabilities. Additionally, differences among students with disabilities were observed only in terms of GPA, according to their disability type, existence of comorbidity and type of exam accommodations. Interestingly, no differences were found in GPA or adaptation between students with disabilities who utilised psychological therapy and those who did not. Finally, adaptation scores, but not GPA, were higher for students with disabilities who were positive in receiving a specialised package of counselling psychology interventions. The findings are discussed in relation to the existing literature and future considerations of counselling psychology’s role in support of students with disabilities.
  • Publication
    Psychological interventions to enhance positive outcomes in adult cancer caregivers: A systematic review
    (SAGE Publications Ltd, 2024-06) ;
    Petkari, Eleni
    Loukas Christodoulou
    This systematic review aims to examine the characteristics of psychological interventions that aim to enhance positive outcomes, such as wellbeing, post-traumatic growth, or hope in cancer caregivers. Studies published until December 2023 were searched on PubMed, Scopus, PsycINFO, WOS, PsycARTICLES and were included when examining interventions targeting positive outcomes with adult cancer caregivers. Of the 1424 articles retrieved through the databases, 16 studies were eligible for inclusion in this review, targeting 908 caregivers (70.2% female; Mage = 53.5). A narrative synthesis was used to describe the interventions, which were based on a variety of approaches such as psychoeducation, mindfulness, or Existential Behavioral Therapy, and reported positive gains for the positive outcomes. The results show few randomized controlled trials published to date, highlight the contrast between the focus shift towards these outcomes and the need for systematic testing of the interventions, to be able to inform evidence-based service delivery.
  • Publication
    Η επίδραση της τελειομανίας στα ψυχολογικά συμπτώματα σε δείγμα ελληνόφωνων ενηλίκων : ο διαμεσολαβητικός ρόλος της ψυχολογικής ευελιξίας / ακαμψίας
    (Σχολή Επιστημών της Αγωγής, Ανθρωπιστικών και Κοινωνικών Επιστημών : Μεταπτυχιακό στην Κλινική Ψυχολογία, 2025-02-10)
    Νταφούλη, Ειρήνη
    Η εξέταση της σχέσης ανάμεσα στην τελειομανία και τα ψυχολογικά συμπτώματα καταλαμβάνει ένα αξιοσημείωτο κομμάτι της διεθνούς βιβλιογραφίας. Παρόλα αυτά, δεν έχει μελετηθεί ο πιθανός μεσολαβητικός ρόλος των διαδικασιών της Ψυχολογικής Ευελιξίας (ΨΕ) και Ακαμψίας (ΨΑ) για τη διαμόρφωση της παραπάνω σχέσης στον γενικό πληθυσμό. Ο σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν η εξέταση αυτών των σχέσεων στον ενήλικο ελληνικό και κυπριακό πληθυσμό. Στην ηλεκτρονική έρευνα συμμετείχαν 745 άτομα (514 γυναίκες και 223 άνδρες), ενώ επιδιώχθηκε και η αντιπροσώπευση διαφορετικών κατηγοριών συμμετεχόντων, με τις επικρατέστερες να είναι αυτές του φοιτητή (174 άτομα) και του εργαζομένου (457 άτομα). Οι συμμετέχοντες συμπλήρωσαν ένα ερωτηματολόγιο δημογραφικών στοιχείων, το ερωτηματολόγιο τελειομανίας Almost Perfect Scale, το Πολυδιάστατο Ερωτηματολόγιο Ψυχολογικής Ευελιξίας και την Κλίμακα Κατάθλιψης, Άγχους, Στρες. Τα αποτελέσματα των στατιστικών αναλύσεων ανέδειξαν την ύπαρξη περισσότερων ψυχολογικών συμπτωμάτων στους μη προσαρμοστικούς τελειομανείς, οι οποίοι εμφάνισαν και τα χαμηλότερα επίπεδα ΨΕ και τα υψηλότερα ΨΑ, σε σχέση με τους προσαρμοστικούς και μη τελειομανείς. Οι νεαροί ενήλικες και φοιτητές φάνηκε ότι δέχονται τη μεγαλύτερη επίδραση της μη προσαρμοστικής τελειομανίας στην ψυχική τους υγεία. Υποστηρίχθηκε, επίσης, ο διαμεσολαβητικός ρόλος των επιμέρους διαστάσεων ΨΕ και ΨΑ. Ειδικότερα, η ψυχολογικά ευέλικτη στάση των προσαρμοστικών και μη τελειομανών φάνηκε να μεσολαβεί στην εκδήλωση λιγότερων ψυχολογικών συμπτωμάτων, σε αντίθεση με την μεγαλύτερη ψυχολογική ακαμψία των μη προσαρμοστικών τελειομανών. Τα ερευνητικά ευρήματα υποστηρίζουν την εφαρμογή παρεμβάσεων βασισμένων στην ενίσχυση της ΨΕ και τη μείωση της ΨΑ, όπως της Θεραπείας Αποδοχής και Δέσμευσης (ΘΑΔ).
  • Publication
    « The 2019 Lebanese Financial and Banking Crisis: Understanding the Root Causes and Assessing its Far-Reaching Consequences »
    (School of Business Administration : Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance, 2024-12)
    Samar Faouaz , Abou Ltaif
    Purpose: This thesis embarks on a comprehensive examination of Lebanon's financial and banking sector in the context of the 2019 financial crisis, aiming to uncover its root causes, analyze its impacts, and propose pragmatic solutions to foster financial resilience, economic development, and long-term stability. The research addresses the precarious state of Lebanon's financial system, exploring key factors that exacerbated the crisis. It also seeks to offer recommendations for governance reforms and economic recovery strategies. Design Methodology/ Approach: A mixed-methods approach, integrating both qualitative and quantitative analyses, was employed to provide a holistic understanding of Lebanon’s financial instability. The qualitative component involved comparative case studies of financial crises several countries and semi-structured interviews with policymakers, economists, and financial professionals, while the quantitative analysis utilized regression models based on the Mundell-Fleming framework. Findings: The study's findings confirm that Lebanon's financial crisis was primarily driven by governance failures, political patronage, and ineffective financial frameworks. Empirical testing of the hypotheses revealed that fiscal policies (H1) and public debt levels (H4) significantly destabilized the economy, while monetary policy adjustments (H2) had mixed impacts. Trade imbalances (H3) further weakened the exchange rate and economic stability, while the effect of tax policies (H5) on stabilizing the economy was minimal. The research highlighted that political factors and institutional weaknesses were more influential than monetary interventions, reinforcing the need for comprehensive fiscal reforms and governance improvements to stabilize Lebanon's financial system. Originality: This research provides a novel contribution by integrating Keynesian Economics and Institutional Economics to analyze the intersection of economic theory with the realities of Lebanon's political and institutional landscape. The dual theoretical framework offers a fresh lens for understanding how political corruption and weak institutions fuel economic crises. 5 Furthermore, the study's comparative analysis of international financial crises broadens its applicability, suggesting that Lebanon’s situation is part of a broader global challenge facing nations with fragile political and economic systems. Practical Implications: The findings underscore the urgent need for comprehensive reforms in governance, fiscal management, and institutional accountability in Lebanon. Recommendations include currency stabilization measures, a revitalization of the banking sector, and fiscal deficit resolution. The thesis also advocates for multi-dimensional strategies focusing on SME and productive sector empowerment, market competition, and digital economy development as pivotal to fostering economic growth. Conclusions/ Recommendations: A multifaceted approach is essential to resolving Lebanon's 2019 crisis. Recommendations include dismantling political patronage networks, implementing fiscal reforms, enhancing regulatory oversight, and promoting financial governance transparency. By prioritizing these measures, Lebanon can build greater financial resilience and establish a pathway toward sustainable recovery and economic development, providing insights for policymakers in fragile states. Limitations: The primary limitation of this thesis stems from Lebanon's rapidly changing political and economic environment, which made it challenging to maintain the timeliness and accuracy of data. The country's internal instability and external geopolitical pressures created a shifting landscape, complicating the ability to draw fast and definitive conclusions. The dynamic nature of key variables required frequent recalibration of the analysis. Additionally, the lack of transparency in Lebanon's financial institutions, especially in the banking sector, led to reliance on estimations and indirect inferences. To address this, real-time data collection and continuous monitoring were employed, along with a multi-perspective approach to enhance analysis resilience. Bias in interview data was minimized by selecting a diverse group of interviewees and using standardized protocols
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  • Publication
    Vitamin D daily short-term supplementation does not affect glycemic outcomes of patients with type 2 diabetes
    Chrysostomou, Stavri
    Chrysostomou, Stavri
    There is currently insufficient evidence of a beneficial effect to recommend vitamin D supplementation for optimizing glycemic status in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Taking into consideration the significant extra-skeletal effect of vitamin D on pancreatic β-cell function and insulin secretion and the large number of scientific evidence supporting the inverse association between vitamin D status and hyperglycemia, this review article aims to examine whether vitamin D supplementation therapies are beneficial to patients with T2DM considering specific factors through randomized controlled trials (RCTs). EBSCOhost and Medline databases were searched from the beginning of 2009 until the end of 2014 for RCTs in patients with T2DM. Parameters, such as baseline vitamin D levels, frequency/dosage of supplementation, length of the study and type of supplementation, were independently assessed, based on their effect on glycemic status. Although all different types of supplementation were safe and effective in the achievement of vitamin D sufficiency in a dose-dependent way, the impact on glycemic status was different. 14 RCTs were included with daily supplementations ranging from 400-11.200 IU/daily, 40.000-50.000 IU/weekly and 100.000-300.000 IU/intramuscularly or once given, for a period from 8 to 24 weeks. Daily supplementation of vitamin D (up to 11.200 IU) showed no effect, whereas combined supplementation, with calcium (≥300 mg), and with vitamin D doses similar to the RDA, showed positive effects. Additionally, high weekly doses of vitamin D (40.000-50.000 IU) were effective on glycemic outcomes but available data are limited.
  • Publication
    Functional anatomy of the mandibular nerve: Consequences of nerve injury and entrapment
    Piagkou, Maria Nikolaos
    Demestiha, Theano D.
    Skandalakis, Panagiotis N.
    Johnson, Elizabeth O.
    Various anatomic structures including bone, muscle, or fibrous bands may entrap and potentially compress branches of the mandibular nerve (MN). The infratemporal fossa is a common location for MN compression and one of the most difficult regions of the skull to access surgically. Other potential sites for entrapment of the MN and its branches include, a totally or partially ossified pterygospinous or pterygoalar ligament, a large lamina of the lateral plate of the pterygoid process, the medial fibers of the lower belly of the lateral pterygoid muscle and the inner fibers of the medial pterygoid muscle. The clinical consequences of MN entrapment are dependent upon which branches are compressed. Compression of the MN motor branches can lead to paresis or weakness in the innervated muscles, whereas compression of the sensory branches can provoke neuralgia or paresthesia. Compression of one of the major branches of the MN, the lingual nerve (LN), is associated with numbness, hypoesthesia, or even anesthesia of the tongue, loss of taste in the anterior two thirds of the tongue, anesthesia of the lingual gums, pain, and speech articulation disorders. The aim of this article is to review, the anatomy of the MN and its major branches with relation to their vulnerability to entrapment. Because the LN expresses an increased vulnerability to entrapment neuropathies as a result of its anatomical location, frequent variations, as well as from irregular osseous, fibrous, or muscular irregularities in the region of the infratemporal fossa, particular emphasis is placed on the LN.
  • Publication
    The education of Roma children: Challenges and promises
    McDermott, J. Cynthia
    Bakšic-Muftic, Jasna
    Chapel, Fredrick M.
    Daniel, Stanislav
    Drahokoupil, Štepán Vidím
    Hancock, Ian F.
    The education of Roma children presents many challenges throughout the world because of poverty, issues of isolation and discrimination. In many countries where Roma reside, laws exist that prohibit discrimination against this minority group. A variety of conflicting issues exist for Roma children. On one hand, the Roma communities practice cultural norms that are in conflict with a typical schooling environment that requires significant structure and lack of independent support. Conversely, schools fail to provide appropriate bilingual instruction for Roma children who usually do not speak the local language. In most countries discrimination attitudes create segregated schools and insufficient social services. Many efforts and organizations are in place to positively impact these challenges to provide quality education for all Roma children.
  • Publication
    Ζητήματα ατομικής ποινικής ευθύνης διευθυνόντων- εκπροσώπων νομικών προσώπων / επιχειρήσεων
    (Νομική Σχολή : Μεταπτυχιακό Πρόγραμμα Ποινικό Δίκαιο, 2021-09-22)
    Βεργιτσάκης, Θεοφάνης
    Κατσογιάννου, Μαριλένα
    Με δεδομένη την έλλειψη καταλογισμού ποινικών ευθυνών στα νομικά πρόσωπα στην ελληνική έννομη τάξη, η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη αναδεικνύει συγκεκριμένα προβλήματα που αφορούν την ατομική ποινική ευθύνη των διευθυνόντων/ διοικητών, αλλά και των εκπροσώπων επιχειρήσεων, σε περιπτώσεις που με τις πράξεις των τελευταίων τελείται άδικη ποινική πράξη. Μετά την παρουσίαση κάποιων βασικών στοιχείων που αφορούν το ποινικό δίκαιο της επιχείρησης, γίνεται μία παρουσίαση κάποιων συγκεκριμένων ζητημάτων που ανακύπτουν κατά την απόδοση ατομικών ποινικών ευθυνών στα φυσικά αυτά πρόσωπα των επιχειρήσεων. Ακολουθεί μία προσπάθεια θεμελίωσης αυτών με τη βοήθεια των παγιωμένων κανόνων του Ποινικού Δικαίου, τόσο αυτών της ελληνικής, όσο και αυτών της γερμανικής θεωρίας και νομολογίας, παραθέτοντας κάθε φορά τις απαιτούμενες προϋποθέσεις για την πλήρωση της νομοτυπικής υπόστασης κάθε μηχανισμού απόδοσης ποινικών ευθυνών. Γενικότερος στόχος στη συγκεκριμένη μελέτη είναι να γίνει όσο το δυνατόν πιο σαφές για το αν και με ποιο τρόπο ευθύνονται τα παραπάνω πρόσωπα σε περιπτώσεις, που η επιχείρηση αναπτύσσει εγκληματική δραστηριότητα.
  • Publication
    Barriers to innovation for SMEs in a small less developed country (Cyprus)
    Hadjimanolis, Athanasios
    The present research, conducted in Cyprus, a small less developed country, concentrates on the barriers approach to innovation. The importance of barriers, as perceived by the firms' owners/managers was, rather surprisingly, not statistically correlated either to innovativeness, economic performance or the extent of the horizontal networking. The study of barriers offers, nevertheless, some interesting clues to the innovation practice in small less developed countries. Some similarities with barriers in industrialized countries (e.g. in supply of finance and skilled labour) were found, but many differences as well, as expected from the peculiar environment of a less technologically developed country. The role of Government policies is of particular importance.